April 29, 2014

IF Project

Seattle police officer, Kim Bogucki, gave a great presentation dealing with successful programs for offenders re-entering society, and for the children of offenders.  IF gets its name from the question posed by the group facilitators - "IF there was something someone could have said or done to change your life before problems began, what would it have been?"
Former felons, David Lujano and Honey Herman, gave their stories of how they landed in prison, and how they are now working with youth through the IF program.  They have become successful role models.  The key to success seems to be having positive role models who believe in the person, and in focusing on successful life events.  Both Kim and Honey have given TED Talks.
This program has special relevance to our club's desire to mentor our challenge scholars,
and other high school students.

New Members Inducted

Jeff Niderost, Patty Rush, and Josh Meziere were all inducted today as new members of Sunrise Rotary (looks like they got the "white" memo). Jeff is a real estate developer, Patty is a health/nutrition consultant, and Josh is in health insurance.  We are pleased to have them in our club.  Sponsors Ron Stephenson, Bill McDowell, and Alan Walker were given new sponsor pins with a blue back.

April 20, 2014

Highway Cleanup

Fourteen of our members were involved in cleaning trash along 2 miles of State Route 28 near Hydro Park.

April 15, 2014

Program - Cascadia Conservation District

Mike Rickel, Program Manager for the Cascadia Conservation District, discussed the history of conservation efforts and the creation of the conservation districts.  Cascadia is a soil conservation district, but works to reduce soil erosion, upgrade irrigation, promote more efficient use of water, conduct education and outreach, restore habitat and riparian areas, and enhance crop production.  More information can be found at www.cascadiacd.org.