May 20, 2014

Challenge Scholars Attend

Our newest Challenge Scholars were here today with their families.  Sophomores Emily Castorena (right, center photo) and Alex Rodriguez Partaleon (left, bottom photo) were introduced to the club by chair Joan Wright.  Senior Angel Hargen (the tall one) was also present.  He is finishing up the school year

and working at Red Robin.  Alan and Joan presented scholarship to two of our graduating challenge scholars at the Wenatchee High School Awards evening on Monday.

Program - Wenatchee Football Club

Erik Holmberg introduced WHS football head coach Scott Devereaux and assistant coach Dave Jagla who talked about the WHS football program and  the new booster group, the Wenatchee Football Club.  The goal is to build the program from youth (ages 8-12), to middle school, and high school.  Some highlights include strength, conditioning and nutrition counselling, developing coaches, and instilling "real men" training with real life skills and character building.  The coaches talked about program expenses, and some of their fundraisers.


There will be a club visioning follow-up with Board members and committee chairs sometime this summer to work on specific goals and action plans.  Stay tuned.  Carol thanked the club for participating in the visioning exercise a couple weeks ago with 26 of our members there.

We have over30 people signed up to go on the "Ride the Route" social on May 31.  Spouses welcome, and families can attend the pizza party at Godfathers afterwards.  If you want to go, contact Alice Thompson (670-7000).

June 4th is the Applesox opener.  Bill McDowell has a block of tickets.

June 24 is our presidential changeover dinner at the Wenatchee Valley Museum.  Ivy Wild will be catering. Let's all turn out to congratulate Alan on a great year, and welcome Carol in as the next club president.

May 13, 2014

Program - Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center

Dave Tosch, Executive Director of the WV Senior Activities Center, was joined by Bob & Jean Aldridge (King & Queen of the Senior Center).  They gave a summary of the activities at the Center, ranging from yoga to tours around the US.  Dave discussed the history, of the Center, along with the current structure, and future challenges.
The Senior Center was founded in 1971, and has been in the current building since 1993.  It is a 20,000 square foot building with over 200 parking spaces, and is debt free.

  • They serve an average of 100 people for lunch M-F.
  • Activities include fitness/exercise, dancing, crafts, games, computer classes, trips, etc.
  • They have a thrift shop, which is a big profit center for them.
  • Fundraisers through membership, craft fairs, dinners, dances, sponsored events, and bingo.

May 7, 2014

Program - Club Assembly

President-elect, Carol Adamson, ran the meeting today.  She outlined the committee structure for the coming year, discussed the expectations, and gave members a chance to sign up the the committees they had a passion for.  If you were not there you need to contact her to get on one of the committees listed below (chairs in parenthesis).  Call her at 630-2120, or email her at

Program (Jim Huffman)
Fellowship (Bill McDowell)
Membership [recruitment/retention/education/orientation] (Erin McCool)
Public Relations (Kathy Hamilton)
Service Projects [community/international] (Wayne Massing)
Challenge Scholarship (Joan Wright)
Bike Ride (Matt Eastman)
Small Fundraisers (Gary Looney)
Salisbury Fund (Ron Stephenson)
Rotary Foundation [annual/permanent funds/polio/grants] (Kathy Weafer)
Senior Dinner (Jill Courtney)

Seeds of Love Garden Project

Our community garden is growing.  Trellises will be put up shortly for the beans and tomatoes, and we now have a new Rotary sign.  Everything has been planted, and green things are starting to pop up.  Since much of that green will be weeds, we will be asking members to come to the garden to pull weeds from time to time.  Harvested
crops will be donated to local shelters or others in need of food.