November 25, 2014

Moving the Wellness Place

Several of our club members showed up Tuesday night to help move boxes and furniture from the old Wellness Place on Okanogan to their new home in the Go USA Building on Columbia Street.  Our member, Erin Cass is the director there.  Thanks to Carol & Jim Adamson, Wayne Massing, Norm Sturm, Stacy Speer, Jeff Niderost (who brought a big trailer), and Erin and her husband Shane.  Some people will do anything for pizza and beer.  (pictured - Shane, Erin, Jim, Carol, Wayne, Jeff, & Norm - not pictured - Stacy)

Program - Wayne Massing Classification

Carol introduced our President-elect, Wayne, who gave his classification talk (avionics).  Wayne grew up in Montana, attended college in Michigan, and returned to Montana where he worked in a print shop. He enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam War and ended up at the Naval base on Whidbey Island for 10 years, doing several tours in the Pacific.  Wayne was then hired at Boeing in Seattle, and ended up teaching and training avionics to commercial pilots.  He traveled all over the world with his wife, Karen, on training assignments.  He even lived in China for 6 months helping at a aircraft training school there.  Wayne served for several years in the Navy reserves.  Wayne and Karen retired and moved to Wenatchee 3 years ago, and they love it here.

New Member Induction

Today we inducted new members Diana Oltman and Kathleen McNalty.  Diana, who was a member of our club a few years ago, is sponsored by Jill Courtney.  Diana works at Weantchee Valley college.
Kathleen is sponsored by Carol Adamson. She was joined by her husband Steve.  Kathleen works for an insurance company in the appeals department.  We are glad to have both these ladies join our club, and look forward to serving with them.
(Pictured - Diana, Jill, Kathleen, Steve, & Carol)

November 4, 2014

Program - Stove Team in Nicaragua

Wayne introduced Dave DeJong, retired WHS teacher, who has traveled on several trips with Families United, and worked on building homes.  Dave talked about that group, but also his involvement with Stove Team International.  Smoke from open fires kills many more people than malaria, and the firewood used has resulted in deforestation in Nicaragua.  Stove Team has created fuel-efficient stoves that reduce the smoke and carbon emissions, and use far less firewood.  They are also building a stove production factory that will create a few jobs.  Over 44,000 stoves have been made, and each stove (cost $50) will provide for 5-8 people.  Our club will be donating $3500 to that cause this year, and will be looking to write a matching grant for next year to increase funds.  For more information, check out

November is The Rotary Foundation Month

Our Foundation committee kicked off the month with a short video clip of The Rotary Foundation at work in Uganda.  President Carol presented the club with awards received at the training weekend in Osoyoos for last year's EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) and 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Members achievements.  We were one of two clubs in the district to get the EREY award, and the ONLY club to get the 100% award.  Let's do it again.  The invoice coming out soon will have this year's contribution to TRF added to your total bill.  Thanks everyone - you are making a difference.

November 3, 2014

District Training Weekend

Jim & Carol Adamson, and Wayne Massing (wife Karen came along also) attended the training and development in Osoyoos, BC over the weekend.  Over 130 Rotarians from around the district came to get more education on membership, The Rotary Foundation, public image and communications.  They learned more about district and RI resources, and heard from some top RI regional coordinators.  A highlight was hearing Past RI President Rick King give an inspirational talk on the importance of Rotary.  He is one of the most sought after, premier speakers in all of Rotary.  There was lots of fun at the wine reception and meals.

Jim, Wayne, Carol and Karen with Past RI President Rick King.       

Jim, as the District 5060 Trainer, was one of the conference organizers.

Past District Governor Carrell Blue, and District Governor Bruce Falkins presented Carol with the Every Rotarian Every Year Club Award, and the 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Club Award for the 2013-14 year.

Wild Hockey Night

Our club had a last minute chance to earn some money at the Wenatchee Wild hockey game Friday night by selling bags of pucks for the "chuck-a-puck" event.  It was Halloween night, so the crowd was light, but our volunteers brought in $215, which is enough to save 358 lives from polio with immunizations.

Thanks to Tana Benedict, Milt Herman, PJ Jones, Maggie & Charlie Nelson, Kathleen McNalty (not even a member yet), and Dan & Myrna Moody and son (Leavenworth).