September 30, 2014

Turning Vision to Action

Tuesday morning was dedicated to a club assembly where we broke into five groups to create SMART goals for several of the focus points that came out of our visioning session in April.  The groups included membership, The Rotary Foundation, public image, projects, leadership development, and reintroducing the senior dinner.

Tuesday night, 10 of our members spent time with district facilitators taking each goal and creating an action plan, complete with tasks, people responsible, and timelines.  The next step is to actually implement the plans, and finish goals and tasks for a few focus points that are left.

Thanks to Jim Huffman, Matt McColm, Wayne Massing, Ron Griffith, Tom Hanson, Bill McDowell, Patty Rush, Jordan Carrell, and Jim & Carol Adamson for taking time Tuesday evening to work on this project.

Look for exciting things to come.  

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