October 28, 2014

Program - Dirk Horton Classification

This post cannot begin to describe the fun we had listening to Dirk's classification talk.  You had to be there.  Dirk gave his life story on a creative PowerPoint.  Highlights include his being kept in a closet as a kid, flunking out of college, driving taxi, and returning to college and keeping a 4.0 GPA while going through his physics program.
His career in astrophysics took him to Indonesia, Guatemala (where he met his wife Mickey), Columbia, Cincinnati, and finally Wenatchee.  Besides teaching, Dirk was involved in building a middle school.  One of his trips took him to a very primitive area in Indonesia, where he was impressed by the native wardrobe.
Dirk has taught for a virtual high school, and now works teaching and tutoring kids online.  He enjoys Wenatchee and his view from Jump O
ff Ridge, and enjoys Rotary.

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