October 8, 2014

Program - State Attorney General

Jim H. introduced Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who discussed various topics and answered questions.  One was the legalization of marijuana, and the implications of our state going against the Federal law.  Bob worked with the Feds to be sure the drug is regulated to their standards.  He also said his interpretation is that local jurisdictions can opt out of selling marijuana.  There have already been lawsuits against cities (including Wenatchee) that could go to the Supreme Court.

Another issue the AG discussed was consumer protection, and what his office is doing to stand up for consumers and businesses that face fraudulent acts.  There are over 20,00 complaints from consumers per year.

One question the AG attempted to answer related to the court holding the legislature in contempt for not funding basic education.  No sanctions have been placed on the legislature, but they must come up with a plan for funding education.

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