August 19, 2014

Program - Community Foundation of NCW

Jim H. introduced Beth Stipe, Executive Director of the Community Foundation of NCW (CFNCW), who talked about the foundation, and our club foundation.  The CFNCW manages charitable endowments, which have grown to $58 M in the 30 years of its existence.  About 150 scholarships totaling $500,000 were awarded last year from 1500 applications

Beth talked about the Marv & Fran Salisbury Fund, started by the late, former member and his wife.  Their $50,000 matching start-up donation has now grown to $170,000, and provides enough interest each year to fund one of our Challenge Scholars.
We also have a Donor Advised Fund in the CFNCW, which can be used to support our scholarships or other charitable causes.  That fund is now at $21,000.

Beth also talked about disaster relief for the fire victims in the Pateros/Alta Lake area.  With no help from FEMA, services are needed from local resources.  $300,000 have been raised in our area, and will be coordinated by the CFNCW.  Social service providers will be contracted to help for 12-24 months with case management and resources, while the CFNCW will be used for fund disperwments.

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